The note when the sugar cane drink to health protection

 The note when the sugar cane drink to health protection
A cup of water cool cane is a wonderful drink on hot summer days. However, the sugar cane drink the wrong way can unwittingly cause a health hazard.
Should not to cane juice too long in the refrigerator

Sugar cane juice is familiar and favorite drink of many in the summer but not everyone noticed how the preservation of this drink. Many people buy cane juice about but not yet directly or accidentally forgot. Cane and sugar cane juice is a very good drink but if for too long or stored in inappropriate conditions are very easy as favorable environment for the development of disease-causing microorganisms that can lead to poisoning, infection status.

In addition, sugar cane juice has a high sugar content and cold so if preserved for too long in the refrigerator can cause digestive disorders. Therefore, those frivolous position or full Bhikkhu belly and people with diabetes should not drink water, especially sugar cane cane water too cold. However, if properly use sugar cane juice has the ability to heal very well.

Do not drink while using some medications


Policosanol substances contained in the water the cane helps reduce the body's bad cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular diseases. However, if you are using the drugs as the drug supplements, anticoagulants should not drink the sugar cane juice. By these drugs
will hinder the effect of policosanol, which made use of it becomes meaningless.

Should not arbitrarily buy cane juice in the sidewalk cafes

Sugarcane juice effective cooling effect on summer should in any way would also not hard to find sugar cane juice bars. Besides the useful application of sugarcane juice with health, still has those factors affect your body when to drink this kind of water. Due to the majority of sugarcane Cafe is located in the sidewalk; the area of the processing of cramped, water containers lacked clean water sources, at least three water buckets because only a few sellers put comes should risk of infection when very high processing.

Besides water, sugar cane has the characteristic is contains more sugar should be easy to attract the flies, midges fly around. These animals if the beans into the cup of the juice of the sugar cane, cane even unprocessed will also leave bacteria affecting the digestive system when drinking. Even, many stores may be soaked with cane sugar chemistry to increase the sweet, dangerous to the health.

 see more sugar cane juice machine 

In addition, the source of ice into the cup of water the cane increases the cool position is also difficult to control quality. If ice production processes is guaranteed not concerned. But if the manufacturing process of dirty ice, unhygienic, when drinking with cane very susceptible to poisoning, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Therefore, you should choose the cane juice clean, quality assurance.

Obese people should not drink a lot of water cane

According to research by the scientists, the amount accounted for 70% of water nutrition in cane, rest is fats, protein and starch. So, sugar cane juice provides a lot of energy and nutrients, easy to cause weight gain, obesity. The people who want to lose weight should limit this drink. At the same time, people who are at risk for diabetes also should not drink the sugarcane juice.
See more sugarcane juice machine 

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